6th September ‘’Fight Procrastination Day’’

3 min readSep 6, 2022


Procrastination is avoiding doing a task that needs to be completed after a certain time. Although it is known that it can lead to negative consequences, it can be stated as a general or deliberate delay in starting or completing a task. Therefore, in order to draw attention to the postponement, 6 September was declared as the “Fight Procrastination Day”.

Sometimes procrastination can become an issue. Studies have shown that unusual procrastination increases stress, anxiety, and decreases productivity. Thus, it creates a negative effect on the job performance of individuals.

Postponement types are grouped under 4 main headings. The most well-known type of procrastination is “Academic Procrastination”. Academic procrastination means that students postpone their academic work and duties or leave them to the last minute. Academic procrastination causes problems such as dropping out, failing in class, low average and being expelled from school. “Procrastination in routine tasks” means having difficulty in scheduling daily tasks and postponing daily routines. Another common type of procrastination is “procrastination of decision making”. It is called delaying decision making in conflict situations or when faced with more than one option. “Compulsive procrastination” is the last type of procrastination. This type of person delays both decision making and the work that needs to be done.

When we postpone our duties, sometimes we do not only have a negative effect on the work we will do ourselves. We may have reflected this negativity on the environment when we postpone walking to a short distance ride and get into a vehicle, when we pour the oils we use in the kitchen instead of collecting them and leaving them in the recycling bin, or when we postpone deleting our unnecessary e-goods. As a result of all this delay, we cause a lot of carbon emissions to the nature.

There are certain methods to deal with “procrastination”, which has very negative effects on both our own life and nature. In the case of routine use of these methods, positive reflections are realized on both people and the environment. Some of these various methods are listed below:

People should generate a “why” question title for themselves. Like why should I walk to my nearby job today, why shouldn’t I pour these oils in the sink, why should I delete my e-mails. This is a powerful motivation and can move a person into action.

Sometimes procrastination is rooted in fear of doing something big. People procrastinate because they are afraid to do big and complex tasks. For this reason, dividing the work done into small pieces increases motivation. Completing one small step and moving towards the next small step ensures continuity.

Visualizing the process in our minds makes the task much easier. Performing all the moves in our minds, in turn, increases motivation. Successful athletes also perform this method. Training In this technique, which Bob Bowman calls “Watching Video Tape”, the things to be done are visualized in the mind like a videotape. This mental routine motivates people naturally.

With the Pomodoro technique, people create a certain time interval for themselves and do their work in this interval. Limiting time with an alarm stopwatch and working within this time keeps people away from procrastination.




