Technical Specifications of Networks & MFET Technical Features

2 min readMay 23, 2022


BEP20 Technical Features

BEP20 is a developer-friendly standard that allows smart contracts and units working under these contracts to be deployed on the BSC.
BEP20 is a rules standard on the Binance Smart Chain that extends the most common Ethereum standard, ERC20. It can be thought of as a set of rules that define how users will use the crypto values they have created. All writings made by users are charged in BNB tokens.All the reading operations are free on the network while all the writing operations are chargeable.Users who prefer BEP20 protocol pay much lower transaction fees than ERC20 standard.

What is BEP2?

BEP2 is not a software on its own, but a set of technical features.It allows tokens within Binance Chain to interact with each other without any problemBEP2 tokens represent many digital assets and tradable commodities.It allows a problem-free integration between each other and with the other ecosystem.

BSC Technical Features

Binance Chain is optimized to quickly process the trades of BNB Currency. Binance Smart Chain (BSC), on the other hand, can be defined as a blockchain that works in parallel with Binance Chain. Unlike Binance Chain, BSC has smart contract functions and compatibility with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
BSC’s compatibility with EVM makes it easy for developers to move their projects from Ethereum to here.For users, this means that applications such as MetaMask can be configured to work with BSC.

Contract Information

Name : Multi Functional Environmental Token
Abbreviation : MFET
Total Supply :
Decimal : 8
Address : 0x6d23970ce32Cb0F1929bECE7C56D71319e1b4F01

Functions : approve, burn, burnFrom, decreaseAllowance, increaseAllowance, multiTransfer, removeLiquidity, transfer, transferFrom, transferOwnership, renounceOwnership, addLiquidity

— Adds a human-readable name to the icon you are creating. “decimal” — Sets the divisibility of your icon.Therefore, it determines the number of decimal places it can be divided into.
“approve” — A function that limits the amount or number of tokens withdrawn from your balance by any smart contract. Without this function, you encounter the risk of failing of contract (or hijacking) and stealing all your funds.
“allowence” — You can use it when you allow a contract to manage your tokens and when you want to control how many tokens are left for the contract to withdraw.
“transfer” Function — Conveniently transfers tokens from one user to another. Here you need to specify the address you want to send to and the amount to be sent.
“transferFrom” Function — It is used to automatize transfers made by approved individuals or approved smart contracts.In this case, you can allow subscriptions or other parties to automatically withdraw payments from a wallet or account.
“totalSupply” Function — When this function is used, the contract provides the total supply of tokens on it.
“balanceOf” Function — Provides the balance of token savings for that address when used. Remember that accounts on the Ethereum network are public, so you can query any user’s balance as long as you know their address.

